Sunday, February 12, 2012

Charters Towers Showground Markets

First market for the year has been and gone. We had a great time and did very well. I would like to thank the people of Charters Towers for their support today. Without them taking the time to come out we would not have a markets to show off our talents. And a big thank you to the other stall holders who made the effort to get up early and have everything ship shape by Seven. We should all pat ourselves on the back, for without us, there would be no markets

Well today I tried something a little different, instead of overwhelming everyone, I only put out Handbags, Wallets, Coin Purses, some Baby Pouches and a few softies...

I think it worked. Everything went quite smoothly and we sold enough to make the morning worthwhile. I have been playing with the idea of only taking certain merchandise to each market. Most people know me now and I do have photo books of what I make. The CWA Hall may well be a good launching pad for my collection of childrens clothes... which means that is all I would sell there... baby and childrens essentials.

My mind has been working overtime today, thought I might also start up a group for the markets, not sure what I want just yet, need to think it through and talk to the organises of the three we have here in town.

Anyways guys, that is it for me today, I am off to cut out some dresses...
Cheers Sas.


  1. Hi Sas, your work and your blog are just lovely :)

  2. Thank you Karen, think you are the only one to have read it
    Cheers Sas.
