Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Taking the plunge!

I have taken the plunge, I have got myself a domain name and a website, all in the processing mode at the moment, should be ready for use in a few days... Web address is: (won't work just yet) I am quitely excited about the venture, hoping I am doing the right thing. What do they say, 'nothing ventured, nothing gained'...

At the moment, I am thinking that the site will only be for my childrens lines, clothes and hair accessories, handbags, softies and a few essentials, with a small section for boys. Sizes at the moment start at size 1 - 4, will add larger sizes as I go along. Here is a sneak peek at some of the hairclips I will be selling on my new site only.

These are the non-slip variety for babies who have really fine hair.

Let me know what you think, always up for critisism, good or bad... Feedback is the only way I am going to know if I am doing it right or not, and receive more ideas. Must admit, photography is an art form that I am not the best at, but I do try

Anyways, it is past midnight again, so I better head off to bed. Sweet dreams and I will catch you again soon.
Cheers Sas.

1 comment:

  1. Love love love the beautiful hairclips (and the tags arent too shabby either lol <3
